My Ugly Life~

Welcome to my blog ! My name is Sulfur and here's my life story! Be nice and clean. No fight kkk! And Leave a message at 'Tag' hahaha <3 Thanks!



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It's 2017 Finally Posted Something

Hola Cómo estás?

I know it's been a while since I've been active on blog because personally i feel like blog is kinda outdated now. I mean like, you see, the world is always evolving and we all see that the trends keep changing each year. So okay, first of all I wanted to tell you why I feel that blog is sort of outdated to me.


okay so here are a few opinions why:

1. Applications in your smartphones

Nowadays, we all have our smartphones/smart-tablets with us, whether the software is functioned by IOS or Android as the system. Both of these softwares or watever you call it have these two things call Apple Store and Google Play respectively. That means you can download multiple apps from those two. 

What i'm trying to say here is lol, nowadays we have snapchat, instagram etc. those two apps are overrated and people use it daily to update their daily activities. 

Back in my year when snapchat and instagram wasn't overrated, I come here to write shit that's going on with ma life. 

2. Blog became underrated for some teenager

This is so true. I mean, me and my old friends used blog when we were in 7th & 8th Grade and that was because it was a trend among Malaysians. Also, it is a trend for a 12-14 year old kid as their 'internet diary'. (it was also the hipster trend back then)

Besides, not everyone knows the existence of BLOGGER anymore. I swear, if you ask "Do you guys have blog?" to some of your friends in the cafeteria or class, whatever, i bet half of them be like "wat the fuck is that"

This is truly understandable because i was around that age when i started blogging. After a while using blog, it felt kinda... urmm.. nyehh... boring i guess. (i still love it tho)

On the contrary, this does not mean only those kids uses blog as a means of keeping a journal. Adults do use blog to but for a different reasons such as business and promoting also sharing articles. (basically as their jobs)

3. Busy with life

Obviously, ain't nobody got time to compose their entire story of their daily activities and then post it on the internet

I used to be that type of blogger, to compose EVERYTHING that had happened in that one day including the details. As i got older, I kinda wrote lesser and lesser, unless that day is very very special for me. 

I even put pictures!! like LOL it was so embarrassing but i'll just leave those posts there to remind myself  of how immature i was.

I stopped using blog because, i was extremely busy and furthermore i have nothing else to say or tell my daily activities with you guys. 

(maybe i'll start again soon)


Today's photo quote is: 




Hello people on earth! What have you missed? ah  yes, my skin became tanned. THANK YOU SUN. well tbh i don't really like my tan skin because it makes me look ugly as fuck and yea. I finally updated my stories in and they're freaking grand.

Besides, i also finish reading my story book 'The Faults In Our Stars' and it was so sad. I literally cried myself to sleep. and oh yes Glee will be aired on tv at February 25th! i'm so happy about it! plus on that day, all my three fav series will be aired. Glee, PLL and SUPERNATURAL beetchos! lmao

So finally i finished training for the National day in Brunei. I think it's worth it because on the actual day, i didn't do it properly. I always stuck at when they were changing the props xD hahaha i suck a lot and i didn't follow the correct rules. We were suppose to put the hair cover (tudong) into our shirts but then instead we did the opposite.

Right after we finished the performance, we said goodbye to the coaches. TBH, i miss them although i didn't like them since first day. And oh, our school got lucky because that time our bus came early. usually the bus is so freaking late that we have to wait 2 hours for it. xD

Today's photo quote is :

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[Glee Intro:] So Here's What You Missed On My Life :
 Asdfghjkl~ you never gonna believe what i wanted to tell you right now! So okay, you know i'm currently in Brunei and their National Day is coming on February 23rd right. You know what happened? Every schools in Brunei are going to do a performance on that day right... so yea our school also involved in it and i have told you about the coach thing what ever~

So last thursday, we were asked to rehearse in the National Stadium Y_Y It was seriously fucking HOT and i'm literally fried under the hot shining freaking sun! We also have to wait for other school to assemble together then baru start the rehearsal! T_T I put so many sunblock on my face and skin and people mistaken the cream on my face as my oily face >W<

Anyways... hehehe EXO'S SHOWTIME EP11 is already out! XD and yea i haven't even start watching it since there's no english subtitle yet~~ so i guess i have to wait...

and i try not to like 'Got7' a new JYP Ent. debuted korean boyband but i just cant.. .__. because fuck them..that's why xD and Got7 consists of 2Chinese 1Thai 1Korean-American and 3Koreans lmao

omg and today was February 7th and Sleeq is on TV asdfghjkl xD hahaha nevermind

and today's photo quote is :
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HEAVEN!!!! -Not Really

Ayyoo people!!!!! GUESS WHAT?!?!!? hehehehe HOLIDAY FOR 5 F-ing DAYS~!!! muahahhhah *jumps then fall into a big pool of cotton candies* lol xD so yea because it's almost Chinese New Year then yea we were given holidays hehehe

Butt.... what happened before these holidays?
we were practicing for National Day Performance.. was so tiring!!! like seriously~ my whole body hurts especially my shoulder and my leg Y_Y and guess what? the coaches don't even know how to explain the dance moves to us like literally keep asking one another on how to explain those things to us. They have hard times speaking malay since they don't know much english lol...

Well what have you guys miss in my life.. ah yes.. Y_Y Exo's showtime almost finish already omg i'm surely gonna miss their moments with us, Exo Stan. *cries Han River* lol xD

so anyway i'm rewatching Supernatural season 1 and omg i didn't realize dean was that hot!! i mean like the first time i watched supernatural, i focused on Sam because he's soooo damn cute and then now when i continued watching till season 9, i change bias lol from sam to dean and castiel <3 ~ yea and new episode of Supernatural season 9 is coming!!! well it's already out but lazy to watch lol xD

btw.. i'm back to my 'Shawol' mood : > don't judge me. Shawol = SHINee's fan lol xD

muahh bbye~ ^^

I just cant.

So Heyy Heyy Heyy!!! and yes i'm a sophomore this year!! :D so damn happy about it. NOT LITERALLY HAPPY but yea just saying.

Eventurally, SOPHOMORE YEAR SUCKS TOO. all the things you gonna study are getting harder and more complicated. Especially a math. Y_Y I cried because i can't even do matrices inverse thing. and and the worse case is that we have a non stop homeworks given. AND THE ONE WHO GAVE THE MOST HOMEWORKS IS Ms.TEO chemistry teacher. like come one dude, she won't even like give us rest.

One more thing. BM... ugh the teacher is cute but whenever she's mad. she still look like she's not mad. She's short and yea plump. no mean words okay. xD AND HER VOICE IS SO HIGH i mean her tone is high. the A class student call her chipmunk xD omg ahhahha

Oh some stuff to share... PRETTY LITTLE LIARS & SUPERNATURAL is backk!!! yay finally i've waited for so long about it. currently waiting for Glee next episode. lmao xD


HELLO EVERYBODY!! Just unprivated my blog... hahaha so bored to death you know! So the reason i activate my blog is because I miss blogging <3 and i miss my blog friends too. It's been a while now but yea. So Christmas is coming soon! ^^ is it just me or christmas is being so weird this year...

Little update about me and stuff...

-I've been changing my biases in Exo from KaiSoo to Taoris
-watching Exo's Showtime!!
-Waiting for PLL/SUPERNATURAL/GLEE and it's next year
-hahahha I love dancing //omg since when??// hahaha i know right
-So i played lots of games..//really?// LOL obviously

Let me tell you somthing about Exo's Showtime Ep.4 <3 It's the best episode ever! It's just so touching.. i mean they cried watching a movie. Whenever they cried, i felt 2x sadder than them Y_Y I tak tahan dengan kesedihan mereka... :<< it makes me wanna cry too!! awwh :3 the one who cried the most is Tao & Luhan. They're just ugh..#Emotional

Tao <3

Luhan <3

Kris <3 Even their leader is crying too! <3

Kai<3 omg my Bias i just cant.........

D.O <3 awhhh omg 
BUT MEANWHILE  ZHANG YI XING a.k.a LAY ...look at him

he's like..'i don't give a fuck on this movie..' pfft~~

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I'm Back People!~

Hello Hello :D Miss me??? hahahah i know it's been a long long time right~~ yea i was busy. Even now when i'm creating this post, i'm actually having a test on the next day :D I know I know..i'll just procrastinate then.. So here's what you missed.. :

-I'm actually watching Glee and i kinda like them. I started to watch it on 2011 S3. LOL

-I'm also watching Pretty Little Liars!! And i love them, although i started watching them at season 4

-I love Kpop. ._. don't judge me. and EXO IS AWESOME!!! <33 (i dun have interest in SHINee anymore)

-Me and my Bestfriend (Amanda) started a band and we need 3 extra people in it. :))

- We did a Cover on One Direction Best Song Ever. (click it, leads to our cover )

And that's what u missed on me XDDD


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Bottom : Exo M

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